giovedì 5 settembre 2013

Recovering Buried Gold in the Philippines

Recovering Buried Gold in the Philippines and Indonesia; Chinese Bankers and Corrupt Federal Government

Monday, September 2, 2013 22:42

Subject: RE: Update
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 00:45:18 -0400

Dear Pat,
     What is going on: the whole world is bringing the gold that was hidden in Indonesia and the Philippines during World War II out of the ground.  The Chinese bankers are in charge of this. These Chinese bankers are now poised to reset the US dollar using this gold, and they want to take over the government of our country, which has been weakened, corrupted, and compromised by the owners of the Federal Reserve.
     We are facing martial law because we have not done what Hungary did: kick out the Federal Reserve and the Bank for International Settlements.
     Look at page 16 of this  The man at the US Treasury whom I wrote about the corruption at the World Bank was also involved in removing Ferdinand Marcos’ heirs, and appointing the UN to oversee gold that was buried in the Philippines during World War II.  See pages 14 and 15
     and look at the study at the bottom of my letter to Chief Justice Roberts:
I described this problem in this article:

From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 11:58 PM
Subject: James McBride and R.C. Dam 1088
Cc:US Supreme Court, The White House, Attorney General Eric Holder, US Treasury, National Security Administration, Vice President Joe Biden, Austria Finance Minister, IMF, Bank for International Settlements, Governor of Wisconsin
Dear Winston,
     A few months ago you kindly offered to be of assistance.  I have been asking for an appointment with the Office of International Treasury Control and with James McBride and have not heard back.  There seems to be some confusion about whether it is possible to access the Global Accounts at this time.
     I spoke yesterday with an authorized signatory on the master account, who inherited his signatory authority from the estate of Ferdinand Marcos.  I spoke the day before that with descendants of the Borci family, who are Elders in the Philippines. These gentlemen agree that there can be no settlement of the Global Accounts without addressing corruption in the Bretton Woods institutions and the rest of the international financial system at large.  The Vatican cannot deputize James McBride in order that Mr. McBride simply replaces the super entity identified in ”The network of global corporate control”, ETH Zurich, published September 2011 available here: without regard for the underlying humanitarian global assistance purposes of the Global Accounts.
Karen Hudes
Law Offices of Karen Hudes

Subject: Re: Video/ Important matter
From: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 02:49:17 -0400
My number is xxxxxxxxx I live in [state].  I am a builder/land developer/investor and am currently on site working on some of my homes that we are going to put up for sale.  I will be home all day tomorrow Saturday.  I have a very interesting story to tell and sometimes find it difficult to believe myself, but having  physically witnessing it with my own eyes, I just say wow.  Lets talk at your convenience.
Thank you for getting back to me,
Authorized Signatory on the Master Account
—–Original Message—–
From: Karen Hudes <>
To: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account
Sent: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 5:07 pm
Subject: RE: Video/ Important matter
Dear Authorized Signatory on the Master Account,
    Yes, you are right, I have been very busy after the last video.    I tried your number and got a recording that your voicemail box is not yet functional.
> To:
> Subject: Video/ Important matter
> Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 16:43:24 +0000
> From:
> From: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account
> Subject: Video/ Important matter
> Message Body:
> Karen, I saw your video and immediately knew that I need to talk to you. This is regarding a private, but yet global matter that will greatly benefit humanity. I am sure that you will be greatly interested in what I have to say. I am sure that you are extremely busy after your last video. Please carve out a few minutes to talk to me. Respectfully submitted Please contact me at xxxxxxxxx Authorized Signatory on the Master Account
> –
> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 8:08 AM
Subject: Fwd: No Authority to Subsume US Dollar into Special Drawing Rights as International Currency Because of Massive Corruption

I am contacting you because of your leadership position with the National Conference of State Legislatures

Due to massive corruption in the United States, there is impending risk of martial law.

Karen Hudes
Law Offices of Karen Hudes
301 229-0058

> To:
> Subject: Possible Martial Law Oct 1, 2013
> Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:52:52 +0000
> From:
> From: deleted
> Subject: Possible Martial Law Oct 1, 2013
> Message Body:
> I have some very important documents of a restricted level from the UN of Disarmament Commission concerning the disarmament of the United States of America I need you to look at very soon as on Oct 1, 2013, 386,000 UN Peacekeeping foreign troops will be in your area, Region III, in full strength and Obama has also ordered all US communication to be shut down upon his command same dates upon his orders as he may instigate martial law in your area.

> –
> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 2:36 PM
Subject: US Dollar and Massive Corruption
Cc: [Assorted Governors and other officials mentioned below]

Dear Lori,
     Thanks for your email.  I am copying you on an email I just
sent to a person who wrote me from Holland, with a translation.  We
simply have to get the word out.  The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
National Governors Association, National Association of Counties, National
Association of Attorneys General, International Organization of Supreme
Audit Institutions and International Organization of Securities Commissions
and a few others are copied.
       I have been in frequent communication with the National
Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies
concerning unresolved massive fraud and corruption in the
international financial system. and
        I have also been in frequent communication with Governors
Martin O’Malley, Terry Branstad, and the rest of the Governors on
the Council of Governors to end the massive
corruption that is lowering the US credit rating, damaging the relationship
of the United States with our allies, and undermining the US dollar. and
        There is no authority to transfer international reserve
currency status from the US dollar to other currencies.
Moreover, the Governors owe an explanation to the
citizens of these United States how they plan to perpetrate the
fraud upon US citizens by continuing to allow the legal fiction
introduced after the third bankruptcy of the United States in 1933.
That was when the United States pledged all present and future
properties, assets and labor of U.S. citizens to the Federal
Reserve System.  Unincorporated federal territories, national park
forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit orginizations were also
pledged.  Our birth certificates were used as Manufacturers’
Certificates of Origin, and the states in which we were born were
listed as the “port of entry.”  Our identities were used as
FICTITIOUS PERSONS by writing our names in ALL CAPS, instead of
writing our names in lower case to indicate real, living people. 
That is how U.S. citizens became collateral against the federal
Karen Hudes
> To:
> Subject: Update
> Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 03:40:41 +0000
> From:
> From: Pat Wayman <>
> Subject: Update
> Message Body:
> I listened to your update of March 2013. It is now September. Please advise if you have any updates. I want to save our country.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: Preempting Gold Backwardation
I am glad to be in contact with you as I work together with the
Governor’s Council and Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Verga
to restore the rule of law to these United States.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:52 AM
Subject: Preempting Gold Backwardation
To: eds01 <>,,,,,,,,,, “
Communication History
Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web08/13/2013 11:44 AM
When you list Question Reference #130705-000291 as solved, does
this mean that I have the support of the US Department of Defense?
If this is not the case, please correct my email today to the
President of the UN General Assembly, copied to the General
Committee and the Chairpersons of the six Main Committees of the
General Assembly concerning an advisory opinion from the
International Court of Justice on the authority of the World Bank’s
Board of Executive Directors.
Subject: Filing Lien Against Bond of Judge
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 09:17:22 -0400

Does Standard Insurance Company bond the honesty and faithful discharge by Judge S.R. Winfield of her duties?  I intend to file a lien against Judge Winfield’s bond.  Judge Winfield has refused the second motion to seal my arrest record, despite the fact that this has rendered the World Bank ineligible for the US contribution to the World Bank capital increase pursuant to § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74) available here:  Judge Winfield’s order states untruthfully “The MPD officers asked defendant to leave the premises, but she refused.”
I am informing the World Bank’s Executive Directors and the Chairman of the World Bank’s Development Committee by copy of this email, in order that they can take appropriate steps to shield the World Bank from a corrupt business environment.  

L’Ungheria emette moneta senza debito

di Ronald L. Ray – Traduzione a cura di N. Forcheri
L’Ungheria si libera dei vincoli dei banchieri
• Dopo che è stato ordinato  all’FMI di abbandonare il paese, la nazione adesso stampa moneta senza debito
L’Ungheria sta facendo la storia.
Mai più dagli anni ’30 con il caso della Germania un paese europeo aveva osato sfuggire alle grinfie dei cartelli bancari internazionali controllati dai Rothschilds. Questa è una notizia stupenda che dovrebbe incoraggiare i patrioti nazionalisti del mondo intero ad intensificare la lotta per la libertà dalla dittatura finanziaria.
Già nel 2011 il primo ministro ungherese,  Viktor Orbán promise di ristabilire la giustizia sui predecessori socialisti che avevano venduto il popolo della nazione alla schiavità di un debito infinito con i vincoli del FMI (IMF) e lo stato terrorista d’Israele. Queste amministrazioni precedenti erano infiltrate da israeliani nelle alte cariche, in mezzo al furore delle masse che alla fine, in reazione, hanno votato il partito  Fidesz di Orban.
Secondo una relazione sui siti germanofoni  del “National Journal”, Orbán si è accinto a scalzare gli usurai dal trono. Il popolare e nazionalista primo ministro ha detto all’FMI che l’Ungheria non vuole né richiede “assistenza” ulteriore dal delegato della Federal Reserve di proprietà dei Rothschild. Gli ungheresi non saranno più costretti a pagare esosi interessi a banche centrali private e irresponsabili.
Anzi, il governo ungherese ha assunto la sovranità sulla sua moneta e adesso emana moneta senza debito e tanta quanto ne ha bisogno. I risultati sono stati nientemeno che eccezionali. L’economia nazionale, che vacillava per via di un pesante debito, ha ricuperato rapidamente e con strumenti inediti dalla Germania nazionalsocialista.
Il ministro per l’Economia ungherese ha annunciato che grazie a “una politica di bilancio disciplinato” ha ripagato il 12 agosto 2013 il saldo dei 2,2 bilioni di debito all’FMI, prima della scadenza ufficiale del marzo 2014. Orbàn ha dichiarato: “L’Ungheria gode della fiducia degli investitori” che non vuol dire né l’FMI né la Fed o altri tentacoli dell’impero finanziario dei Rothschild. Piuttosto si riferiva agli investitori che producono in Ungheria per gli ungheresi, creando crescita economica vera, e non già la “crescita di carta” dei pirati plutocratici, bensì quel tipo di produzione che assume realmente le persone e ne migliora la vita.
Con l’Ungheria libera dalla gabbia della servitù agli schiavisti del debito non c’è da meravigliarsi che il presidente della banca centrale ungherese gestita dal governo per il bene pubblico e non per l’arricchimento privato abbia chiesto all’FMI di chiudere i battenti da uno dei paesi più antichi d’Europa. Inoltre, il procuratore generale, ripetendo le gesta dell’Islanda, ha accusato i tre precedenti primi ministri del debito criminale in cui hanno precipitato la nazione.
L’unico passo che rimane da fare per distruggere completamente il potere dei bancksters in Ungheria, è di attuare un sistema di baratto per lo scambio con l’estero come esisteva in Germania con i nazional socialisti e come esiste oggi in Brasile, Russia, India, Cina e Sudafrica, i cosiddetti  BRICS, una coalizione economica internazionale. E se gli USA seguissero la guida dell’Ungheria, gli americani potrebbero liberarsi dalla tirannia degli usurai e sperare in un ritorno a una pacifica prosperità.
Ronald L. Ray, autore freelance che risiede nel libero stato del Kansas, discendente di vari patriotti della Guerra americana di indipendenza.