EBA: Il denaro bancario è FIAT CURRENCY
Dalla EBA Opinion EBA/Op/2014/08, 4 luglio 2014, https://www.eba.europa.eu/documents/10180/657547/EBA-Op-2014-08+Opinion+on+Virtual+Currencies.pdf
Nell'esprimersi sulla differenza tra Virtual Currency (VC) e Fiat Currency, (FC) a proposito del bitcoin, recita, al punto 19:"VCs are defined as a digital representation of value that is neither issued by a central bank or public authority nor necessarily attached to a FC, but is used by natural or legal persons as a means of exchange and can be transferred, stored or traded electronically. (7) VCs can therefore be characterised along the distinguishing features specified below. Although some of the features resemble activities or products that are already within the remit of the EU E-Money Directive, these products are not intended to be included here, as e-money is a digital representation of FC, which VCs are not."
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